What we have been up to...
Check out our latest news on our facebook page, and don't forget to "LIKE" our page.
Recent movement of Science JR. workshop:
Workshop (By Appointment only)
黃竹坑 黃竹坑道42號 利美中心 12樓01室
Workshop 01, 12/F, Remex Centre, 42 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

Starting July 2020, we now open up slots for "to-door" STEM activities on weekdays and selected weekends.
Come with a different theme every month, sImply open your door and have fun!
Each session lasts for 45 minutes.
Slots are limited, contact us for arrangement.
Call / Whatsapp: 9546 5123

[REGULAR] Little Scientist Training Scheme
Classes run on Saturdays, 10:30-11:45 am at YMCA of HK (Tsim Sha Tsui) for children age 6-10.
Current and Upcoming courses:
^ Classes are currently suspended owing to the COVID-19 epidemic situation
Places fill up fast, ENROLL NOW to prevent disappointment.
Enquiries and enrollment, please visit:
www.ymcahk.org.hk/ or call 2268 7755
[Holiday Camps]
To be announced

Air Rocket Show
Let us stage our famous rocket show at your school.
After learning why and how rockets are launched to space,
students will design and build their own rocket
and launch it with the air power-launcher.
Call us now for this edu-tainment activity at your place!
Find us for details: 9546 5123 or info@science-jr.com
Science JR. All Rights Reserved